Ives Video Evidence Services


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Video Home Inventory

In the event of a fire, flood, or burglary, items such as your car, electronics, computers and even your home itself could be lost. An accurate and up-to-date Video Home Inventory can assist in the recovery process for you and your family.

Today, many insurance companies recommend the production of a Video Home Inventory to provide video evidence of:

-The condition and features of your home
-Proof of possession of your most valuable personal belongings

How is it recorded?
Ives Video Evidence Services uses professional quality digital video camera equipment to record your home and belongings. The tape will feature a time/date stamp to serve as additional verification.

What should be recorded?
-Your home’s exterior, front & back
-Each interior room
-Furniture - Especially antiques or other one-of-a-kind items
-Home electronics, Home Theaters
-Computer equipment, Home Offices
-Luxury Items - Jewelry, Furs
-Collectibles such as Stamps, Coins, Sports Memorabilia

Other services:
Tape duplication - Have your Home Inventory copied to VHS or DVD

Updates - Discounts are available in the event of changes to your home such as remodels, new purchases, or moving to a new residence

Real Estate Virtual Tours

In the competitive world of real estate, agents and brokers

have at their disposal many tools for attracting home

buyers. And today, with the Internet being utilized more

and more in the search process, a quality video Virtual

Tour is increasingly valuable. Let Ives Video Evidence

Services produce a video Virtual Tour for your

next listing.

How is it recorded?

Videos are shot on professional quality video equipment

and edited over a music bed, with graphics describing a

property's best features. You then receive a disc with the

video as a Windows Media file that you can add to your

website, or Ives Video Evidence Services can post it

online for you and provide you with a link you can add to

your site.

Call 720-280-5046 for rates and appointments