Ives Video Evidence Services


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Pre-construction Video Survey

Nearly all large construction developments and projects face the threat of lawsuits and claims for damages by surrounding property owners. A Pre-construction Video Survey documents the area surrounding your work site, featuring the pre-existing conditions of the area. A video survey before groundbreaking can serve as cheap insurance when compared to the cost of defending against a frivolous lawsuit in court later.

-A thorough survey of the entire surrounding area
-A disinterested third party to provide steady, professional camera work
-A date/time stamp on the tape to refute claims made after construction begins

Construction Draw Video

Before payment, lenders often require some sort of proof that work has been done. Along with your request for a construction draw payment, providing visual evidence of your progress with video documentation can expedite the collection process. Get paid on time with the help of a Construction Draw Video.

-Confirmation of completed work
-Saves time and money, no need to wait for lender's inspector to visit site
-Provide easy documentation to far-away, even out of state, lenders
-Video proof sent along with a draw request shows your lender that you are completing work on schedule, so you can get paid accordingly

Call 720-280-5046 for rates and appointments

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